Wednesday, July 7, 2021

Collecting Tools of Your Life

Not to give up when you facing something you feel that it is hard to proceed.
Because this is the time that you are doing something to improve yourself in your life.

You feel it hard it is because you are doing something new. 
When you doing something new, definitely you do not have any experience on it and sure it is hard to proceed [万事起头难] 

Simply imagine with playing a game, you need to collect tools to fight over the monsters in order for you get into the next level. You only able to cross into next level by overcome all the monsters and obstacles faced in the current level. 

Enjoy your process of getting tools of your life. Next level is waiting for you.😉

Thursday, March 11, 2021

 没有人会拒绝美的东西; 但每一个人"美“的定义是不一样的。


Sunday, February 26, 2017


星期日;早上至现在,还算美好,直到爸看见电视的某位明星什么戏都是她演,道出“XX很厉害赚钱,什么钱都要赚”(这句话其实也没代表什么),哥只是解释为何电视的一位明星什么都是她演,因为她受欢迎,而我也说她做她爱做的工作,而就因为几句话,爸又再次发火,说哥在讲他,讲他说的东西得罪到他老婆,他说什么哥都要保护他老婆而骂他 (说实在哥的话也没代表什么,但老实说可能我也会像爸一样的negative thinking,所以我知道爸为何这样想,爸只是不甘哥对老婆的好而对自己并没那么好,爸见他们要出去,又见他们昨天他们吃好吃的,又道出没做工又整天和朋友吃好料,不体谅他儿子工作赚钱幸苦,但并没像他所说的每天而就那么久久一次,也可以说是时下的‘慰劳自己’,每个人都有让自己开心的权利!谁叫我爸又喜欢看那无聊的social media照片而看见了他们吃好料的下午茶,但看了自己没得吃当然心里不爽)。



感恩老天爷给我的挑战,跨过挑战的开心, 我相信会比平淡无挑战的生活来的开心。


Sunday, July 17, 2016






总会问,“对的人”在哪?“对的人”几时会出现? “对的人”到底是谁? 那到底“对的人”是什么样子的咧?


有时啊,想了想,打回原点,为何兜了那么大圈想那么多, 想着那个“对的人”会出现吗?

Sunday, February 14, 2016


如果我离开家里选择别的工作, 我又能真正克服了这个问提吗?

很多人告诉我, 我如果不去踏出一步, 问题是解决不了的。

如何接受面对非常负面思维的父亲?继续迁就,他要什么就给他什么,他要怎样就给他怎样真的让自己十分压力。那么别去理会他的作为/想法,但,我越想不去理会他的感受却越会去在乎。 现在的他正在埋怨自己很可怜, 我很想跟他说, 不可以一直想自己可怜,因为一直这样想, 心想就会是成。但,另一方面, 如果我那么告诉他, 他却会说他连说话的权利都没有。我该如何是好?

如果我把输入的正能量能像听他的埋怨一样听了一直储存在心中,而相反的听了他的埋怨像现今输入的正能量一样像‘左耳进, 右耳出’不去储存,那该多好。


我必需要改变自己的想法, 我再这样下去最委屈最痛苦的究竟还是自己。


Sunday, January 3, 2016

Challenges Always There

Today - 3rd day of brand new year.

Second time spend my time at company last for 15 hours. (voice from deep of my heart: i'm okay and well condition)

Brain thinking of : There are many things need to change, there are many decision waiting me to decide, there are still lots of challenges waiting me to handle.

Anyway, there are still somethings, i can't make any decision or should be not to make any decision.

I'm keeping try to protecting a family with my method but this is not suit for other members though?
I'm keeping silent to cold down myself, but my silent will hurt on someone?
I'm trying to make someone happy, but this will make others not happy?
I'm trying not to listen those bad stuffs yet i'm fail to be deaf?
I'm trying to dumb myself yet unable to mute it?

I'm lucky enough yet i'm not feeling gratitude enough? if you think so, you're definitely wrong.
Everyone have the past, if you think your past are much more pity than others, you envy of others, same stories and you try to exchange with others, no one will have a good life and so no one will have a really bad life after born. The god give you something, there will be grab something from you.

Tired enough, and seriously need a good rest and a real supporter!
Pray for luck, good luck to me! everything goes well very very soon...

Tuesday, November 10, 2015


Do you ever have a dream career?

Unfortunately i ask my self, the answer was NO (for now). To be honest, i have no in any fighting mode for current career, you'll not doing the things well if you lost the interest for being a task you are doing. Definitely, i do not make it good nowadays and being guilty for everyday.

Erhemm...but answer yes vague sometimes,but that was break off dream few years back too. Shall i continue this dream?

It's not a big dream, a little one, of course do not know will it be success? Never try never know hur?

Definitely it will impact my income, there might be in 'economic crisis' for myself if i walk this for the very beginning. But have to tell myself, don't make your thought delay you.

The more you think, the more obstacles appear. why not fix and go?